Selling on OfferUp?

If you are a business selling on OfferUp, we have tools and services to help you save time and sell more. Complete the form to learn more about OfferUp Business Accounts.

Grow your business with OfferUp

Reach your audience

With millions of monthly users, OfferUp helps you connect with local shoppers

Boost your inventory

With promoted placements, ensure your items are at the top of the feed

Build your reputation

Get enhanced profile features to showcase your business

Why sellers love OfferUp

Top shopping app

OfferUp is a top 10 shopping app on Android and iOS with 100M+ downloads

National reach, local relevance

1 out of 5 adults use OfferUp in the U.S. every year with 90% of users searching and browsing listings within 30 miles of their home

OfferUp Business Accounts

Join today and be the first to get an OfferUp Business Account